简介:本剧根据英国同名剧集改编。 本剧主演 William H. Macy 曾获得艾美奖。 拥有有六个孩子的单身父亲 Frank(威廉姆·H·梅西 William H. Macy 饰)和孩子们生活在周围到处是酒鬼、乞丐和罪犯的最底层社区。他收入不高,整天酗酒,根本不管儿女们的死活,不到20岁的大女儿 Fi
简介:The Avengers gather to celebrate their latest victory, but their celebration is quickly interrupted by the mysterious disappearance of Black Widow’s f
简介:Set in the intensely secretive world of intelligence and the enigmatic US/Australia joint defence facility in central Australia, the spy-thriller Pine
简介:这家酒吧叫Horace and Pete,开了一百年,这一个世纪由历代的Horace和Pete来经营。这家年迈的酒馆在光鲜的布鲁克林似乎已经过气了,现在的主人也如同这家疲倦的酒馆一样。Horace离过婚,没有固定女友,跟子女处理不好关系;Pete一辈子都在这家酒吧里,有精神疾病,一旦停药就会失控。还
简介:Tacoma FD's newest chief, Terry McConky, is under scrutiny by the city council to get serious about his station's ratings. Meanwhile, Terry's crew put
简介:Sophia, a 40-year-old philosophy professor, is in a stable if somewhat socially conforming relationship with Xavier. From gallery openings to endless