简介:Everyone bode her a rousing farewell on her way to New York – and yet, she remained in Wellington! With fantasy, charm and typical New Zealand humour,
简介:因为一次跳伞事故,白人富翁菲利普Philippe(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 François Cluzet 饰)瘫痪在床,欲招聘一名全职陪护。由于薪酬高,应聘者云集,个个舌灿莲花,却无法打动他的心。直到黑人德希斯Driss(奥玛·赛 Omar Sy 饰)的出现才让他作出决定。德希斯刚从监狱出来,背负家庭重担
简介:曾在纽约建筑界享有极高声誉的富豪马丁·戴米恩(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰),而今饱受癌症折磨,不得不面对即将在半年后去世的事实。除此之外,他与女儿克莱尔的关系始终处于冰封状态,这令他不仅慨叹金钱的无力。不久前,马丁与菲尼克斯生物科技公司取得联系,对方声称使用最先进的脱换技术可以帮助马丁
简介:A young charismatic preacher and his hot Latina girlfriend travel Route 66 scamming the small churches along the way only to find that the bogus heali