简介:一直以来,黑人青年卡尔(小库珀·古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr. 饰)都将成为美国海军中的一员当做自己的毕生理想,然而,当他真的加入到了海军队伍中去之后,卡尔才发现,现实远不如想象中美好。在种族歧视之风盛行的军队里,卡尔理所当然的成为了众人伤害和排挤的对象,但个性坚韧的卡尔却并没有因此而退缩和
简介:After a night on the town, Charlie comes home to the house where he is staying, drunk and unable to find his key. For the next twenty minutes he stagg
简介:马戏团的表演因为呆板无趣而失去了观众,他们面临着破产和倒闭的危险,谁都不知道会不会有“救星”从天而降。流浪汉查理(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin 饰)在游园会中被卷入了一个小偷的圈套中,招来警察的追捕。他像无头的苍蝇一样钻进了正在演出的马戏团。舞台上,查理 躲避警察的各种肢体动作,被观
简介:Charlie is released from prison and immediately swindled by a fake parson. A fellow ex-convict convinces Charlie to help burglarize a house, but Edna,
简介:Charlie plays a woman, jealous over her husband's interest in another woman. She gets in the way of a cameraman, knocks over a director and a policema
简介:Charlie competes with his fellow shop assistant. He is fired by the pawnbroker and rehired. He nearly destroys everything in the shop and and himself.