简介:商场保安保罗(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James 饰)的梦想是成为一名警察,但低血糖的体质让他在新泽西警察学校的考试中再次失败,保罗带着颓意返回家中,母亲和女儿给予安慰并劝说他再找一位爱人。保罗又开始了每天平淡的工作:指路或是被商场的孩子们捉弄,但今天,他的目光被假发柜台的艾米(杰玛·梅斯 Jay
简介:两次金棕榈得主、丹麦导演比利·奥古斯特新片《The Passion ion ofMarie》,讲述丹麦历史上两位著名画家Peder SeverinKroyer和妻子Marie之间的故事。在凭借《征服者佩尔》摘得奥斯卡最佳外语片、金棕榈以及金球奖扬名国际之后,奥古斯特一直在外国拍片,1992年瑞典语的
简介:Carlinhos catches his partner cheating, then meets lively Graça, who poses as his new one so he can save face at Christmas with his traditional family
简介:During a bank holdup, a teenaged boy and girl (Karl Wagner and Marianne Svendsen) are taken hostage by the robbers. After a very pleasant captivity, d
简介:Ruby is a young part-time stripper who wallows in drugs, sex and other excesses in meaningless existence. After meeting with local drug dealer O-Rock